I speak and listen to a lot of people and I know that there is a common idea that rich people or wealthy people are somehow ‘bad’: egoists, do not care about others, greedy, etc…etc… Like all generalisations this is a generalisation :) and, as such, is a untrue statement. Every generalisation is untrue: each of us is different: in our approach to life, to money, to spirituality, to values. In our own human fragility, we are all unique in the way we perceive reality. What I know though is that when we are struggling for survival, to get food on the plate, and to help and protect the people we love most, when we act out of desperation, we are more likely to act in ‘non-spiritual’ ways, because we have lost faith. When we act out of desperation we act out of fear, therefore we have lost faith. [Desperation is not a nice place to be. Desperation comes from lack of faith in the fact that the Universe always provides, this is my understanding and my experience, if we look at the r...
Freedom | Joy | Authenticity | Full Potential