When I was young - until I was around more or less 34 - I did not have any discipline. I would start something and if I did not have almost immediate results I would give it up, just to start something new. I have reflected on that behaviours (or habits of behaviour) several times and I realised a few reasons were the cause of my lack of discipline: 1. I could not find any pleasure in what I was doing. Why? Because I was not enjoying the process since the only reason I was starting something was to obtain a result, an end goal. I was not going to play tennis to have fun but I was going to play tennis to reach a better level, I was not reading a book for knowledge in itself but to show off my knowledge, et etc… There was no one single thing I was doing for the simple pleasure of doing it in that moment only. I was acting projected in the future and refusing to enjoy my present. 2. I was always questioning my abilities and I was never happy with my capabilities of the moment. ...
Freedom | Joy | Authenticity | Full Potential