There are times in which we cannot get in contact with our emotions, our real feelings, we cannot name them and/or identify them. When we are in fear we lose awareness of our selves, in this situation the are buried under anger or fear, and/or we categorise them in a very simplistic way as 'happy' and 'sad'.
When I was growing up and I found it difficult to experience emotions, I could not make any decisions, since I did not know how I felt about a situation, if it would make me happy or not. I was paralysed.
Spiritual transformation is based on being honest with ourselves, for example accepting that we are in fear and we are too fearful to take action. We will then analyse our fear and look at what sits below it. There is always. feeling we do not want to feel sitting under fear (or anger).
This will allow us to accept and recognise our feelings and by doing so will move us forward toward happiness and self-realisation.
Welcome your feelings in your life, sometimes they are scary, sometimes they hurt but they will make you grow spiritually and set you free to live a life of purpose and connection and reach your full potential.