My morning pages. My life pages. My journal pages. My wonderful life pages. My grief pages. My losses pages. My spiritual growth pages. My Sweet Topouschetto and All The Others I have loved pages. My no one else yet pages. My who cares anyway pages. My adolescent pages. My Dani the Sweet Peco pages. My Dani Cucciolo pages. My Dani Nella pages. My Love pages. My hate pages. My God pages. My I am strong as a rock and vulnerable as a snow flake pages. My I am free as I have never been before because I love myself realisation pages. My I validate myself pages. My I allow myself to feel and act accordingly pages. My rigorous honestly pages. The miracles pages.
My life pages. I still love because love never ends pages. My wishes pages. My stay in the now pages. My past pages. My father's unconditional love for me pages. My mother's desperation pages. My brother's smile pages. My grandfather who saved my life that day pages. My inconsolable inner child tears pages. My inner beauty pages. My external not lasting beauty pages. My who cares anyway lie pages. My no judgmental pages. My I love helping others pages. My love for myself is growing pages. I wish you were here pages. Dreams pages. Reality check pages. Rain on my window again pages. Will the pain ever stop pages. If I could express my love again it will be massive pages. I will never go back there pages.
My gratitude pages. My crying of joy pages. My life will never end because I am eternal I know pages. If I could go back in time I would never hurt anyone pages. The moon in the sky is shining for me pages. We were happy sometimes realisation pages. Happiness will never be taken away from me because joy is the real state of the human condition even if no many of us believe it realisation pages. Realisation is a gift of God realisation pages. I am a hero pages. I have lived because I have loved realisation pages. Cogito ero Sum is therefore a bullshit pages. What can we do now pages. What is wrong with now pages. What is wrong with me pages. What is wrong with you pages. Nothing is wrong this is the Truth realisation pages. Now I am eternal because in the now we are all eternal pages.
My cat chewed pages. My lost pages. All I want is already there pages. God please help me to see you again prayer pages. All my needs are met and they have always been pages. I have never realised it before pages. My thank you all humanity for all the love I have received especially the one I have never noticed pages. The end of line pages. Tomorrow pages...