When we apply spiritual principles in our life on a constant basis and our soul is clear from fear, anger and resentments because we finally allow ourselves to feel the feelings sitting under dullness or anger (dullness generally sits on top of anger) which are fear and grief, in this order, we will find connection and emotional freedom.
Some people says they cannot feel their anger. This is simply because they judge themselves for feeling angry or the are feeling shameful of feeling anger. In this case they will have to find the 'top emotion' being judgment or shame for example sitting on top of the anger.
[think of yourself of just 'being', you are just a a vehicle for your feelings to be expressed internally, to come and go like a wave, like the wind, like rain - they come to you, you feel them and so on and so forward - you let them flow without trying to control them, without interference from your mind, without judging them as good as bad, you feel the pain of grief and the joy of joy, every single feeling, you feel them because this is what you are doing, you are in a state of bliss, you are just being]
When your soul is clean and clean, you’ll have spiritual experience (or you'll experience different level of consciousness / reality). Those level of reality are always there but we have to allow ourselves to experience them.
Those can happen anytime, in every location, and during day to day activities: you will not need to be in mediation or in any certain and / or definite mental space, they will happen spontaneously (this has been my experience).
Some other times, if you ve been alone for a long time it may be easier to 'have spiritual experiences' if you are free from the 'chatting of mind' or if you have been in silence for a long time. To silence the mind we can use, for example, listening to a song for hours and hours without stopping (you must be aware and. make sure you are not thinking in the background) - a couple of days or even more and just letting the feelings flow - you can do this for example if you are spending time on your own - just put the headphones on - it worked for me with one song only repeated for over 2/3 days (I was not looking to 'have a spiritual experience' I was not looking for anything, this is what I felt doing, that is all).
This is a list (non exhaustive) of what you may experience (and stay there if you allow yourself to feel the fear of losing control or losing contact with the reality that you have been perceiving your whole life and accept that fear, fear which you probably will feel otherwise this 'new' level of consciousness will became your reality):
1. You may feel totally connected with everything and everyone (you will see the word and people in it like they are a big part of a single thing, you'll feel a connection you never felt before, like you and everyone else and anything else are in a big bubble and that the distance between you and everyone / everything else is just a physical distance but you are all part of a whole, you'll know / feel that the physical distance is an illusion as much the separation between human bodies). You'll look at every single person like he / she is the most important person in the world (you'll experience - know, feel - what we call the 'sanctity of life', you'll feel the fundamental importance of every single human creature in front of you, as much as you will feel like bowing towards them in honour of their being special and unique and exactly as anyone else);
2. You may enter into time and feel eternal (your being will enter into time, you'll feel that you are moving inside something that is time and once you're there you'll feel eternal, here you may also experience an immense joy you have never ever experienced before);
3. You'll see the brightness of everything, everything will be more bright, more luminous, you'll see the trees moving in a way that will touch you inside and the sun on their leaves is like gold shining and bright, like it is touching your soul, or a part of you you did not know it exists;
4. You'll feel immense joy, you'll cry out of joy;
5. You'll know that God (or something similar to it) exists because you'll feel its presence and you'll question why you did not feel it before because it feels so obvious now;
So where to start to became more spiritual? From taking responsibly of every single feeling we feel (regardless if we believe the cause is external).