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If you believe in God and in the writings in the Bible, it is written that before Adam and Eve, we were immortal (may be the Bible was speaking of the soul). If you do not believe in God, you may want to believe that there is a part of us, which is common to all Human Beings, our soul, which is said to be Immortal. It is a nice thought to have, even if you doubt about it, so hold to it :)

The Christian tradition says that we were immortal because we were pure, the Jewish tradition says that we were immortal because evil was kept separated from us. 

In any case, the Bible says it was Adam and Eve fault if we became mortal ;) so if there is someone to blame is them ;) - there is always a guilty one in the Christian tradition! :(( - 

Their disobedience to God was the cause of us becoming mortal. Citing the Bible in the Genesis 6:3 (CSB): "And the Lord said: 'My Spirit will not remain with mankind forever, because they are corrupt. Their days will be 120 years'."

So if the Bible is right and immortality is out of reach, is there another way to become immortal? - Like "Highlander' for example ;) I am sure you remember the guy!

Some people say that they will be dead when no one will remember them or mention their name. So, unless they became famous, if they think this way, the do not stand a chance. 

But when we are still alive we can have a chance to become immortal, we can leave a legacy, we can leave a sign in this planet that we are here and we are giving something: this is the ultimate need of a human being: contribution, to built something with others, to be part of, to contribute to life. 

When we meet our purpose and meaning in life we became immortal. We can do this in every moment by living in the application of spiritual principles and, without knowing, we will change other people lives, and because of our contribution, they will act lovingly to the next generations. 

We have a chance to block the chain of pain. We just need to be honest, feel our feelings and take action (if you need more about this give me a shout via email). Once the feelings are felt we will be set free and the fun will began!!

And now a little story: 

An Old Man, a Boy, Immortality & a Starfish 

An old man was doing his daily walk along the beach one morning, when he spotted a young boy crouched by the water, scooping something up from the sand and throwing it into the sea. The man noticed that the boy kept on shuffling a little further down the beach, then repeating this same action again and again. “What are you doing there, boy?” the old man asked, walking closer. “I’m saving these starfish that are stranded” replied the boy, “if they stay on the beach they will dry out and die, so I’m putting them back into the ocean so they can live.” “Young man” the old man said, “on this stretch of beach alone, there must be more than one thousand stranded starfish. This goes on for miles and miles and miles – I’ve done this walk every day for 10 years, and it’s always the same. There must be millions of stranded starfish! I hate to say it, but you’ll never make a difference.” The boy looked towards the starfish he just through in the water, and replied: “Well, I just made a difference for that one”, and continued with his work..


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