Which ones I have learned to follow to feel happy and fulfil my full potential? I am Italian and I bet there is not a more Catholic country than Italy in the world - apart from Ireland [and Nigeria, South America, etc, etc, etc...]. In Italy you are either Catholic or Agnostic or, even worse, an Atheist. I was born in the North of Italy, a small town called Trieste, a town which was part of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire for over 450 years. A very catholic Empire indeed. My mother, my father and their parents were Atheist. Me, I was placed in a Catholic kindergarten (only because it was closer to home); as you see you do not need to be from a Catholic country to be a hypocrite (even if it helps) you just need to be a human being. [Apologies for the generalisations, which I do not like, the two above are necessary only because they help with the jokes :)] Going back to the kindergarten, which was obviously run by Catholic nuns who, generally (another generalisation, again!) are considere...