We all act, or refrain to act. Either way we made a decision to move towards something we believe can benefit us, or move away from something we believe will harm us or not benefit us. Some of us act with self-destructing, self-defeating behaviours. Those of us, sadly, sometimes are aware of their behaviour but unable to change. It is something driving us from inside, like an unstoppable destructive force. We look at it deploying in front of us, unable to change, like spectators and actors of a tragic movie, we are repeating it over and over again. This causes great pain and in the long term causes a sense of hopelessness that will stop us even from trying to achieve something we desire in the attempt to fulfil our potential. Sometimes it can also cause self-hate, or at least, self-dislike. A sense of not being good enough that is at the origin itself of the self-defeating behaviour. We start believing we are unable to change the course of our life, that we are d...
Freedom | Joy | Authenticity | Full Potential